منتدى الشنطي
سيغلق هذا المنتدى بسبب قانون الجرائم الاردني
حيث دخل حيز التنفيذ اعتبارا من 12/9/2023
ارجو ان تكونوا قد استفدتم من بعض المعلومات المدرجة
منتدى الشنطي
سيغلق هذا المنتدى بسبب قانون الجرائم الاردني
حيث دخل حيز التنفيذ اعتبارا من 12/9/2023
ارجو ان تكونوا قد استفدتم من بعض المعلومات المدرجة

منتدى الشنطي

ابراهيم محمد نمر يوسف يحيى الاغا الشنطي
الرئيسيةالرئيسية  البوابةالبوابة  الأحداثالأحداث  أحدث الصورأحدث الصور  التسجيلالتسجيل  دخول  


 كيف يمكن للولايات المتحدة حماية الأردن من الفوضى؟

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
ابراهيم الشنطي
ابراهيم الشنطي

عدد المساهمات : 69802
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/01/2013
العمر : 77
الموقع : الاردن

كيف يمكن للولايات المتحدة حماية الأردن من الفوضى؟ Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كيف يمكن للولايات المتحدة حماية الأردن من الفوضى؟   كيف يمكن للولايات المتحدة حماية الأردن من الفوضى؟ Emptyالأحد 26 فبراير 2017, 9:05 am

معهد واشنطن: كيف يمكن للولايات المتحدة حماية الأردن من الفوضى؟
كيف يمكن للولايات المتحدة حماية الأردن من الفوضى؟ %D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AC%D9%8A%D8%B4_%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D8%B1%D8%AF%D9%86%D9%8A_%D9%83%D8%A8%D9%8A%D8%B1_%D8%AD%D8%AF%D9%88%D8%AF

عمّان ــــــ قسم الترجمة
أوصت دراسة حديثة لمعهد واشنطن لسياسات الشرق الأدنى الإدارة الأمريكية الجديدة بوجوب تجنيب الأردن مخاطر الدخول بمرحلة من عدم الاستقرار في ظل ازدياد الضغوط الاقتصادية والأمنية في ظل التطورات الجارية في الدول المجاورة له.
ووفقا لدراسة التي أجراها مدير برنامج السياسة العربية في المعهد ديفيد شينكر فإنه وفي "ظل استمرار الحروب والأزمات في الشرق الأوسط والاستقطاب بين السنة والشيعة عبر حرب الوكالة التي تخوضها إيران في المنطقة ودخول دول كمصر والسعودية في أزمات اقتصادية فان الأردن اليوم بات يواجه أكبر من أي وقت مضى تحديات أمنية واقتصادية متزايدة".
و"من الخطأ الاعتقاد ان الاستقرار سيكون مضمونا دائما لذلك على الولايات المتحدة أن تضع بالأولوية المحافظة على استقرار المملكة المعتدلة والصديقة لها، فحماية الاردن من المخاطر المجاورة خاصة في سوريا التي ينشط فيها مسلحو تنظيم داعش يجب أن يكون أولوية لدى ادارة ترامب".
طائرات بدون طيار للمراقبة
وقدم المعهد في دراسته العديد من التوصيات التي تنوعت بين الأمني والسياسي والاقتصادي والاغاثي، حيث أشار إلى أن "الأردن اليوم أكثر الشركاء الأمنيين العرب موثوقيةً بالنسبة لواشنطن فالمملكة تلعب دوراً مهماً على نحو متزايد في حملة التحالف التي تقودها الولايات المتحدة ضد تنظيم داعش. وفي حين أن تبادل المعلومات الاستخباراتية والتعاون الأمني ​​بين واشنطن وعمّان قويّان بالفعل على نحو استثنائي، يمكن إضفاء بعض التعديلات من أجل توطيد العلاقة وتحسين قدرات الأردن"
ووفقا للدراسة فان  الولايات المتحدة زوّدت المملكة العام الماضي بمساعدات أمنية وتمويل لمكافحة الإرهاب فاقت قيمتهما عن 800 مليون دولار، وطالبت الدراسة إدارة ترامب بتزويد المملكة بطائرات بدون طيار متقدمة مسلحة وخاصة بالمراقبة من أجل تحسين قدرات المملكة على جمع المعلومات الاستخباراتية فوق جنوب سوريا.
انزعاج من قتل "القوات الصديقة"
وفقا للدراسة فمن "المرجّح أن تستمر ظاهرة عمليات قتل "القوات الصديقة" السائدة مؤخراً في الأردن وقد تصبح عاملاً مزعجاً في العلاقات الثنائية.. يتوجب على إدارة ترامب التفاوض بشأن السماح للقوات الأمريكية بحمل أسلحة معبأة بالذخيرة للحماية الشخصية خلال تواجدها في قواعدها في الأردن. ويتعين على الإدارة الأمريكية أن تسعى إلى تقليص هذا التواجد إذا سمحت الظروف، ونظراً إلى التحديات التي يطرحها تنظيم داعش ونظام الأسد وروسيا وإيران في سوريا، قد تبقى القوات الأمريكية في المملكة الهاشمية لبعض الوقت".    
كما دعت الدراسة إلى مواجهة "الفكر الجهادي" عبر تقديم المساعدة التقنية والمالية إلى المملكة، إذا طُلب منها ذلك، عبر وزارة الخارجية الأمريكية وتعزيز أمن الحدود عبر دعم المناطق العازلة الإنسانية الأردنية في سوريا، وتوفير الطعام والمأوى للمدنيين وحمايتهم من تنظيم داعش.
مزيد من التعاون بين الأردن وحكومة الاحتلال الإسرائيلي
دعت الدراسة إلى تشجيع المزيد من التعاون "الأردني-الإسرائيلي"، واحتفت بما وصفته "أخبارا جيدة" عبر توقيع اتفاقية الغاز بين حكومتي البلدين العام الماضي، والذي يضاف إلى التعاون الإستراتيجي المستمر والممتاز بين الأردن وإسرائيل، وفقا لنص الدراسة التي قالت إن البلدان ملتزمان بالتعاون العسكري وتبادل المعلومات الاستخباراتية اللذان يعودان بفائدة كبيرة على الدولتين وعلى واشنطن.
كما حثت الدراسة إدارة الرئيس ترامب على مواصلة الدعم السياسي للأردن عبر القيام بزيارة مبكرة إلى عمّان. 
توصيات اقتصادية .. مزيد من الدعم للأردن واللاجئين 
وقدمت الدراسة العديد من التوصيات الاقتصادية كان على رأسها الدعوة لتوظيف الأردنيين عبر "تشجيع بعض الشركات الأمريكية للاستثمار في المملكة، ربما عبر حوافز ضريبية، وعبر إقناع واشنطن حليفها الخليجي " السعودية" بالمضي بالتزامها الذي أطلقته في أيار/مايو 2016 الرامي إلى إنشاء مجلس التنسيق السعودي-الأردني"، وعبر تشجيع مشاركة المرأة في سوق العمل وتحسين أوضاع اللاجئين.
ووفقا للدراسة فأنه "يجب على الولايات المتحدة أن تشجع الأردن على إصدار المزيد من التراخيص كي يتمكن هؤلاء السوريون من العمل بشكل قانوني، بحيث يأخذون مكان العمالة الوافدة الأخرى.. كما يجب على واشنطن أيضاً الضغط على حلفائها الاوروبيين والعرب (المملكة العربية السعودية، والإمارات العربية المتحدة، والكويت) لكي تزيد بصورة مؤقتة من مكوّن الدعم السنوي إلى الميزانية بقيمة مليار دولار لمشاريع الاستثمار في البنى التحتية القائمة في المملكة. ومن شأن هذا الدعم أن يساعد المملكة الهاشمية على تخفيض عجزها المتكرر في الميزانية والناتج في الدرجة الأولى من هؤلاء اللاجئين".
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
ابراهيم الشنطي
ابراهيم الشنطي

عدد المساهمات : 69802
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/01/2013
العمر : 77
الموقع : الاردن

كيف يمكن للولايات المتحدة حماية الأردن من الفوضى؟ Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كيف يمكن للولايات المتحدة حماية الأردن من الفوضى؟   كيف يمكن للولايات المتحدة حماية الأردن من الفوضى؟ Emptyالأحد 26 فبراير 2017, 9:09 am

Photo Credit: Reuters via Voice of
[size=30]How the United tate hould Help Protect Jordan from the Chao[/size]
[size=30]Next Door[/size]
David chenker
Wedneda, Feruar 22, 2017, 10:13 AM
The Middle at ha een engulfed in chao. Longtanding
authoritarian regime have een toppled; till other dictator
have killed hundred of thouand and diplaced million in an
effort to retain power. Iran’ hiite prox militia have pread
throughout the region, fueling ectarianim and roadening the
appeal of nihilitic unni Ilamit jihadit group. Meanwhile,
audi Araia and gpt—two longtanding pillar of
Wahington’ trategic architecture in the Middle at—have
een haken  economic troule.
Through it all, the moderate, pro-Wet kingdom of Jordan ha endured a an iland of relative
tailit. While incredil pereverant, the kingdom i not immune to the regional tumult. Jordan
toda face enormou economic and ecurit challenge aggravated  the arrival of around a
million rian refugee. Yet aed on how well the kingdom ha thu far coped with adverit,
there ha een a dangerou tendenc to view it a a kind of new parta, a mall ut militaril
advanced tate with eemingl endle reilience. It would e a mitake to take the tailit of
Jordan for granted.
Maintaining the tailit of Jordan hould e an urgent concern for U.. policmaker. Not onl i
the tate a peace partner with Irael, it i a confederate in the attle of idea againt Ilamit
extremim and a force for regional moderation. It i alo a vital all in the militar ½ght againt the
Ilamic tate and the principal ae of U.. air operation againt the group in ria. While rolling
ack Ilamic tate force i important, the endurance of the kingdom—one of the few remaining
pro-Wet, relativel moderate and tolerant Ara tate—i crucial. The lo of thi U..-allied
monarch would e a igni½cant etack for U.. interet in the Middle at. ecuring Jordan from
ria' pillover hould e a top polic priorit of the Trump adminitration’ Middle at polic.
Omphalo: Middle at Con¾ict in Perpective

ver ince Jordan gained it independence in 1946, oerver have een predicting the tate’
imminent collape. For ear, the primar detailization driver emanated from diviion etween
Jordan’ indigenou trial-origin national—the o-called “at anker”—and it Wet anker,
Paletinian-origin citizen. More recentl, acklah againt of½cial corruption and frutration with
the feele econom have moilized egment of the population againt the palace. In the lat few
ear, pillover from ria—in particular the arrival of a man a 1.4 million refugee, according to
the Jordanian government—ha teted the durailit of the kingdom.
The war in ria i having a prof
ound impact on Jordan. According to the government’ 2016
, rian now comprie 13.28 percent of Jordan’ population. eond the ocial dilocation
aociated with the addition of uch a large contingent of refugee, the rian are having a
igni½cant effect on the econom and national de½cit. Wore, militant Ilamit ideolog from next
door—though not necearil from the refugee population—i eeping acro the order into the
kingdom. Accordingl, terrorim i ecoming an increaingl dif½cult challenge.
Jordan’ econom ha never een rout. Indeed, the kingdom ha run de½cit for more than half a
centur. ince 2011 and the tart of the Ara upriing, however, the econom ha taken a marked
turn for the wore. After the gptian revolution, diruption of the ga pipeline through the inai
deert to Jordan forced the kingdom to ½ll the gap with more expenive crude oil, reulting in a $3
illion (or 30 percent) udget de½cit
in 2013. More recentl, order cloure with Iraq and ria
have undercut Jordanian export, and the war next door have cared awa viitor, igni½cantl
reducing tourit revenue
. The arrival of o man rian refugee ha onl compounded the
kingdom’ ½cal prolem.
Depite adverit, the kingdom toda i relativel tale, and doing well—epeciall compared with
man of it neighor. There i no guarantee, however, that Jordan will continue to endure regional
preure uncathed, epeciall if pillover from the ria war continue.
The challenge faced  the kingdom are divere ut can e roadl categorized into three related
aket: ecurit, refugee, and the econom Taken eparatel, each of thee iue repreent a
prolem for Amman; together, if left to feter, thee challenge could morph into a perfect torm.
Jordan’ ecurit apparatu ha long een conidered the gold tandard in the Ara world. For
decade, the militar and the General Intelligence Directorate (GID) have proved competent,
committed, and effective in protecting the kingdom from enemie foreign and dometic. ix ear
into the war in neighoring ria, however, pillover i undermining ecurit.
ituation Report

While the population pike caued  refugee i a challenge for the GID, thee rian are not an
immediate threat. In½ltration of militant Ilamit from acro the order—the purview of the
militar and order guard—i likewie not an imminent danger to ecurit in the kingdom. Intead,
the primar threat appear to e creeping radicalization: the movement of radical Ilamit
ideolog from ria into Jordan.
The war in ria—in which the nominall hiite Aad regime and it Iranian patron have een
reponile, directl or indirectl, for the killing of nearl half a million people, motl unni
Mulim—ha enraged Jordan’ overwhelmingl unni population. ome 2,500 Jordanian national
are reportedl participating in the jihad in ria, ½ghting alongide the Ilamic tate and al-Qaeda
af½liate, among other group. Meanwhile, anecdotall at leat, increaing numer of Jordanian
appear to e moving toward ala½m. Clearl, ome are alo elf-radicalizing.
In the pat ear, for example, more U.. oldier and contractor have een killed in o-called
"green on lue" attack in Jordan than in Afghanitan. Mot recentl, thi pat Novemer, three U..
pecial Force troop were killed
 a Jordanian arm of½cer at the entrance to King Faial Air ae
in the countr’ outh. Almot a ear earlier, two U.. trainer—a well a two outh African and
two Jordanian—were killed  a rogue of½cer at a police training facilit. It wa later dicovered
that the murder weapon the gunman ued in that attack had een provided to the GID  the CIA
to arm moderate rian reel. Thi particular AK-47 ri¾e—and thouand of other—never
reached it intended detination. According to the
New York Time
, the gun were old
on the lack
In the pat ear...more U.. oldier and contractor have een killed in o-called "green on
lue" attack in Jordan than in Afghanitan.
ut the ecurit prolem go eond the killing of American. Twice in June 2016, Jordanian
ecurit intallation were compromied  terrorit. On June 6, a lone attacker hot and killed
½ve of½cer in a GID facilit in aqaa, twent mile north of Amman. Week later, an Ilamic tate
militant detonated a car om at an iolated Jordanian order pot on the Iraqi-rian frontier in
Rukan, killing ix oldier. On oth occaion, Jordanian of½cer were reportedl aleep on guard
Adding to the concern, jut month earlier, on March 2, 2016, it took Jordan’ et commando
unit, the 71t Counterterrorim attalion, more than 12 hour to defeat an iolated cell
of even I
terrorit in the northern town of Irid. The terrorit were eventuall killed, ut o too wa the
head of the CT unit, in an operation aid to have een everel hampered  reakdown in
Thee mitep
, ome a, led to a maive hakeup of the Jordan Armed Force General
Headquarter lat fall—the imultaneou dimial of ix general taff of½cer. While Jordan’
ecurit apparatu remain among the et in the region, thi overhaul would appear to re¾ect a

lack of con½dence from the palace, aed on the recent underperformance of thee ervice.
peculation in Jordan aout the dimial ha een intene ut quiet: in late No
vemer, militar
court iued a an
on pulihing an new related to the armed force.
A month later in Decemer 2016, an Ilamic tate attack and the uequent manhunt in the
outhern town of Karak killed 17 people and injured 34 other. YouTue video
taken during the
incident howed police of½cer houting from the window of the local tation houe, pleading
with local citizen for more weapon and ammunition. Interior Miniter alameh Hammad
declared the ecurit operation in Kerak a "ucce," ut in mid-Januar Hammad wa removed
from hi pot in a cainet rehuf¾e.
According to the Of½ce of the U.N. High Commiioner for Refugee (UNHCR), 656,000 rian
refugee are currentl reiding in Jordan. Amman, which ha in the pat demontrated a penchant
for exaggeration on thee matter, a the kingdom i hoting 1.4 million rian. Regardle of
the actual numer, thee exile are having a igni½cant effect on Jordan.
Fewer than 120,000 of thee rian reide in refugee camp; the overwhelming majorit live in
the kingdom’ citie and town. The in¾ux ha increaed demand for houing, raied rent, and
treed the educational tem. ome 145,000 rian tudent now attend Jordanian primar
chool—o man that the kingdom ha added econd hift to accommodate the children. The
refugee crii i alo exacerating Jordan’ acute water hortage. ven efore the refugee arrived,
Jordan wa the third mot water-inecure tate, with mot local receiving water jut once per
week. At the current rate of conumption, ome etimate
indicate that it freh water uppl will
e exhauted  2060.
The refugee are clearl taxing Jordan’ carce reource, including the tate udget. According to
the World ank
, the cot the kingdom over $2.5 illion a ear—equivalent to nearl 18 percent of
it annual udget. In 2016, the kingdom incurred a de½cit of nearl $1.3 illion on it $12 illion in
udgeted expenditure, in large part ecaue of thee refugee. Overall, the General udget
Department reported that Jordan would accrue $1.8 illion of new det in 2016.
The refugee crii i alo exacerating Jordan’ acute water hortage...At the current rate
of conumption, ome etimate indicate that it freh water uppl will e exhauted 
To e ure, the refugee are a ½nancial urden. ven with the hopitalit and largee of Jordan and
the aitance provided  the UNHCR, life in the kingdom remain an exitence of quiet
deperation for the vat majorit of thee rian. According to the United Nation, 90 percent of
regitered rian refugee in uran area are living elow the national povert line
. Throughout

the kingdom, two-third of rian refugee are impoverihed—and thi ½gure would likel e even
higher if non-regitered rian, who receive no funding from international organization, were
taken into account. While man rian in Jordan are working, opportunitie have een omewhat
limited. If thee refugee remain in Jordan inde½nitel, the could ecome a permanent undercla
that i epeciall vulnerale to radicalization.
conom and Unemploment
ince 2010, Jordan ha een it det-to-GDP ratio increae from 67 to nearl 90 percent toda. To
cover the hortfall, the kingdom ha taken loan that will cot over $1 illion to ervice thi ear
alone—nearl 6.5 percent of the total annual udget. Thee high recurrent annual expenditure, a
well a the growing national det, are a long-term concern for the kingdom’ economic well-eing.
The more immediate prolem for Jordan in term of tailit, however, i unemploment.
Workforce participation in Jordan i extremel low. According to the World ank, onl 36 percent
of all Jordanian of working age participate in the workforce. Onl 15 percent of women work—
depite the fact that women account for ix of ever 10 college graduate. Among thi alread
anemic 36 percent, unemploment tand at almot 15 percent, with jolene among outh
approaching a tunning 40 percent. Overall, ome 16 percent of college graduate are unemploed.
Jordan’ dif½cultie in creating good jo are driving man of it educated aroad. Half of Jordan’
engineer work in the Gulf. Accordingl, expatriate remittance accounted for more than 14
percent of GDP in 2015, ut thi wa a decline from the previou ear, when remittance equated to
nearl 18 percent. hould low oil price perit, thi critical ource of revenue will likel continue
to fall off.
ven a Jordanian are truggling to ½nd work, the laor market for foreign national i ooming.
According to the Jordanian cenu, 635,000 gptian expatriate are currentl working in the
kingdom. Qualifing Indutrial Zone factorie, etalihed after the 1994 peace treat with Irael
to oot emploment in Jordan  allowing thee area to ell their ware dut-free in the United
tate, are taffed  angladehi worker. The dometic laor ector in the kingdom i cornered 
outh Aian women.
Among Jordan’ at anker, there i a decided preference for pulic-ector emploment, which
offer jo ecurit, relativel lax performance and attendance tandard, low retirement age,
penion, and uidie. While the perquiite are igni½cant, the alarie are tpicall low. The
government i Jordan' leading emploer, reponile for providing 39 percent of all jo. ut the
pulic ector i hrinking, and competition for thee plum lot i ½erce. In 2013, 200,000 college
graduate applied for 6,400 civil ervice jo.

With rian increaingl entering Jordan’ laor market, the unemploment challenge for
Jordanian will no dout e exacerated.
Unemploment and underemploment are a igni½cant ource of frutration in the kingdom. In
ummer 2016, Jordan aw it larget utained protet in ear a one town fort mile outh of
the capital took to the treet for three month to complain aout endemic unemploment.
Depite deep diatifaction with unemploment and the econom
, however, the kingdom ha een
relativel few demontration. At leat in part, it eem Jordanian have limited expreion of
dicontent fearing a decent into ria and Iraq-tle chao. With rian increaingl entering
Jordan’ laor market, the unemploment challenge for Jordanian will no dout e exacerated.
Alread, the war in ria and Iraq—which have diminihed trade and tourim—are having a real
impact on the tandard of living in the kingdom. In 2010—the lat time Jordan’ Department of
tatitic compiled the data—Jordan’ povert rate tood at 14.4 percent. Anecdotall, at leat, the
ituation appear to have gotten wore. Toda, according to the World ank, the tranient povert
rate in the kingdom—meaning the proportion of reident who experience povert for at leat one-
fourth of the ear—i 33 percent. Jordan’ admirale effort at economic reform, which include
uid reduction on taple uch a electricit and ga, ma aggravate thi trend.
Continued Cloe ecurit Cooperation:
Jordan toda i Wahington’ mot reliale Ara ecurit
partner. In particular, the kingdom pla an increaingl important role in the U..-led coalition
campaign againt I. While intelligence haring and ecurit cooperation etween Wahington and
Amman i alread exceptionall trong, ome incremental tweak can e made to trengthen the
relationhip and improve Jordan’ capailitie. In 2016, Wahington provided the kingdom with
over $800 million in ecurit aitance and counterterrorim funding. No additional U.. aid i
required, ut to improve Jordan' intelligence-gathering capailitie over outhern ria, the
Trump adminitration hould provide the kingdom with an advanced armed- and urveillance-
drone capailit. Thi would help Jordan etter defend it order and protect the de facto
humanitarian zone it i working to preerve along the frontier in outhwetern ria.
Manage Hazard of U.. Militar Preence:
Regrettal, the recent phenomenon of green-on-lue
killing in the kingdom i likel to continue and could ecome an irritant in the ilateral
relationhip. While little can e done to prevent thee tragedie, the Trump adminitration hould
negotiate permiion for U.. force to carr loaded weapon for peronal protection while on
ae in Jordan. Likewie, ecaue the U.. militar preence i unpopular in Jordan—which ha
conequence for oth Wahington and King Adullah—the adminitration hould endeavor to
downize the footprint if condition allow. Given the challenge poed  the Ilamic tate, the

Aad regime, Ruia, and Iran in ria, U.. force ma e in the kingdom for ome time. Aent a
drawdown, the adminitration hould work to enure the deploment i a inconpicuou a
Countering Jihadit Ideolog:
According to the tate Department, in addition to foreign militar
½nancing (FMF), Wahington provide Jordan with igni½cant Counterterrorim Partnerhip Fund
(CTPF) aitance, a well a peci½c aitance for order ecurit operation. In fact, Jordan i the
larget recipient of CTPF funding. While thi aid i helpful, it doe not uf½cientl addre Jordan’
igget terrorit threat, which i local radicalization. In recent month, the palace ha launched it
½rt real initiative to counter radical Ilamit ideolog in the hope of limiting thi long-term
threat. If requeted, the Trump adminitration hould offer the kingdom technical and ½nancial
aitance through exiting tate Department authoritie to help enure that thi effort ucceed.
nhance order ecurit:
Over the pat decade, the United tate ha provided the kingdom with
hundred of million of dollar to etalih an integrated order ecurit tem. A ear ago,
Jordan aicall cloed it order with ria and i now providing humanitarian aitance to
internall-diplaced communitie on the rian ide of the frontier in the wet. In the eat—near
Rukan, where ome 75,000 diplaced peron are now gathered on the rian ide of the erm and
Ilamic tate force poe a direct threat—Jordan i doing much le. Thee vulnerale rian need
more dependale protection and humanitarian upport. With or without Ruian aent, the
Trump adminitration hould work with it partner in the anti-Ilamic tate coalition to upport
Jordan’ humanitarian uffer zone in ria, providing food and helter to civilian and protecting
them from the Ilamic tate and the Aad regime. Thee zone not onl help internall-diplaced
rian and limit the refugee ¾ow, the enhance the kingdom’ ecurit.
ncourage More Jordanian-Iraeli Cooperation:
One good new tor of 2016 wa the igning of a
$10-illion, 15-ear deal for Irael to provide Jordan with natural ga. Le pulicized, ut more
important, ha een the excellent ongoing trategic cooperation etween Jordan and Irael. King
Adullah and the government of Irael are committed to militar cooperation and intelligence
haring, which greatl ene½t oth tate and Wahington. Given the trong ilateral coordination,
Wahington’ aitance ma not e required. Neverthele, the Trump adminitration could direct
the Defene Department to explore wa of enhancing the alread deep relationhip, including—
ut not limited to—permitting and encouraging more tranfer of Iraeli exce defene article
(DA) to Jordan.
Political acking:
King Adullah i a frequent viitor to Wahington, and upport for Jordan i a
rare ipartian iue on Capitol Hill. The Trump adminitration will undoutedl continue thi
tradition. While materiel U.. aitance to the kingdom i important, the molim of enduring
U.. upport for the Jordanian monarch—which frequentl come under ½re aroad for it
relation with Irael—hould alo e cultivated. To emphaize thi commitment, Preident Trump
hould conider an earl viit to Amman.
Put Jordanian to Work:
Amman undertand the imperative of ½nding more emploment
opportunitie for it citizen. Indeed, in 2009, the kingdom pulihed “
Jordan’ National
mploment trateg 2011-2020
,” a thoughtful and comprehenive plan to create jo and uild a
modern competitive econom. ut the trateg—which depend on training, expatriate
replacement, international aitance, and heav foreign direct invetment—will take ear to
implement. More prolematic, the plan wa crafted prior to the arrival of hundred of thouand of
rian laorer.
Jordan’ plan need not e crapped, ut the kingdom could ue ome U.. aitance. While the
Trump adminitration i focued on jo creation at home, the tailit of thi ke U.. all hould
pur Wahington to alo encourage ome U.. companie to invet in the kingdom—perhap
through tax incentive. If Jordan requet it, Wahington hould alo ign another loan guarantee.
The United tate ha alread guaranteed three loan to the kingdom valued at $3.75 illion. Given
the regional uncertaint, thee loan are an excellent invetment.
Finall, in it repreentation to audi Araia, the Trump adminitration hould prevail on it Gulf
all to follow through on it Ma 2016 commitment to etalih the
audi-Jordanian Coordination
, a vehicle Jordanian of½cial have aid would “unlock illion of dollar.” igni½cant
audi invetment could timulate Jordan’ tagnant econom, creating thouand of additional
emploment opportunitie.
ncouraging Women’ Participation:
Around eight out of ever 10 women in Jordan do not hold
jo. The taggering underrepreentation of women in the laor force contitute a permanent
drag on the kingdom’ econom. To e ure, Jordan i a ver conervative ociet, o thi prolem
will e dif½cult to overcome. Neverthele, the Trump adminitration can provide ome marginal
aitance. Alread, the United tate ha a $250-million program in Jordan run  the Overea
Private Invetment Corporation (OPIC) guaranteeing loan from ank to mall-uine
enterprie, ut onl $87 million ha een diured. ome 16 percent of thee loan have gone to
women-owned enterprie, which i good, ut more can e done. The program hould purue a
more aggreive outreach campaign to pulicize and market it aitance to women. In Jordan—
where women’ participation i an Achille heel of the laor market—microenterprie loan to
women and women-owned enterprie can have a mall ut nonethele igni½cant impact.
Improve Condition for Refugee:
Large numer of rian refugee could remain in Jordan for “at
leat 17 ear,” according to King Adullah, and even after the war end, man ma never return
home. Depite Amman’ migiving, the economic and ocial integration of thee refugee i
critical to the ucce of the kingdom’ effort to prevent radicalization. It i alo important to
dicourage refugee from moving to third countrie. While jo are carce in Jordan, rian are

known for eing highl entrepreneurial, o more rian participation in Jordan’ workforce ma
actuall help grow the tate’ anemic econom. Nearl 40,000 rian have alread een iued
permit to work in Jordan. The United tate hould encourage Jordan to iue igni½cantl more
permit o thee rian can work legall, taking the place of other expatriate laorer.
Prioritize Financial upport for Refugee:
ince 2012, Wahington ha provided nearl $800
million to upport rian refugee in Jordan. While thi aitance i utantial, it remain
inuf½cient. Leanon—which admittedl ha more refugee than the kingdom, ut i trategicall
le important to Wahington—receive one-third more aitance. Aent additional U.. or
international funding for Jordan, the Trump adminitration hould conider reprioritizing it
carce aid dollar. Wahington hould alo pre uropean and Ara allie (audi Araia, the
United Ara mirate, and Kuwait) to temporaril add an annual udget upport component of $1
illion to exiting infratructure invetment project in the kingdom. Thi upport would help
Jordan reduce it recurrent udget de½cit caued in large part  thee refugee

David chenker is the Aufzien Fellow and director of the Program on Ara Politics at
The Washington Institute for Near ast Polic..

كيف يمكن للولايات المتحدة حماية الأردن من الفوضى؟ Picture-2636-1487704848

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
ابراهيم الشنطي
ابراهيم الشنطي

عدد المساهمات : 69802
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/01/2013
العمر : 77
الموقع : الاردن

كيف يمكن للولايات المتحدة حماية الأردن من الفوضى؟ Empty
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كيف يمكن للولايات المتحدة حماية الأردن من الفوضى؟
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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