ابراهيم الشنطي Admin
عدد المساهمات : 75802 تاريخ التسجيل : 28/01/2013 العمر : 78 الموقع : الاردن
| موضوع: الاختصارات H الأحد 08 يناير 2017, 10:22 pm | |
| الاختصارات (باللغة الإنجليزية) Abbreviations & Acronyms H h | hour(s) | H | (Magn.) magnetic field intensity (strength), magnetizing force | H | (Chem.) hydrogen, (Min.)hardness | H(or h) | (Elec. Eng.) henry | h. | harbor, hard, hardness, height, henry, heroin, high, hour(s), house, hundred, husband | H. H. | Her Highness, His Highness, His Holiness | H. I. (or HI) | (Surv.) height of instrument | H. I.M. | Her Imperial Majesty, His Imperial Majesty | H.B.M. | His(or Her) Britannic Majesty | H.C. | Holy Communion, House of Commons | H.C.D. | (Maths.) highest common divisor | H.C.F. | (Maths.) highest common factor | H.C.L. | high cost of living | H.D. | heavy-duty | H.E. | high explosive, His Eminence, His Excellency | H.F. | (Elec. Eng.) High Frequency | H.I.H. | Her Imperial Highness, His Imperial Highness | H.J. | here lies | H.J.S. | here lies buried | H.L. | House of Lords | H.M. | Her Majesty, His Majesty | H.M.S. | Her Majesty’s Ship, His Majesty’s Ship | H.P. | high pressure | H.Q. | Headquarters | H.R. | House Representatives | H.R.H. | Her (or His) Royal Highness | h.s. | in this sense | H.S. | high school | H.S.E. | Here is buried | H.S.S. | (Meteor.) high-speed steel | H.T. | high-tension | h.v. or HV | (Elec. Eng.) high voltage, high velocity | H.V.I. | High viscosity index | HA | Heavy Armor | ha. | hectare | HAB | Hardened Aircraft Bunker | HAB | Heavy assault bridge | Habitat | Commission on Human Settlements | HACV | heavy armored combat vehicle | HADAR | Digital message handling equipment (Sweden) | HALE | High altitude, long endurance | handbk. | handbook | HARM | high-speed anti-radar missile | HARM | High Speed Antiradiation Missile | HAS | Hardened Aircraft Shelter | HASC | US House Armed Services Committee. | hav. | (Maths.) haversine | Have Quick | Anti-jam radio system (US) | HB | Heavy Barrel | Hb. | hemoglobin | HBPR | High bypass ratio (engine). | HC | Hexachloroethane/zinc screening smoke mixture used in smoke grenades and mortar bombs. Also called Berger Composition after its inventor. | HCI | human/computer interface | HCN | Hydrogen cyanide | HCPE | Hybrid Collective Protection Equipment | HD | Distilled mustard | HD | Mustard agent (persistent non-lethal) | hd. | hand, head | hdbk. | handbook | HDD | head-down display | hdkf. | handkerchief | hdqrs. | headquarters | HDRV | Heavy-duty recovery vehicle | HDSB | Heavy dry support bridge | HDTV | High-Definition Television | hdwe. | hardware |
ابراهيم الشنطي Admin
عدد المساهمات : 75802 تاريخ التسجيل : 28/01/2013 العمر : 78 الموقع : الاردن
| موضوع: رد: الاختصارات H الأحد 08 يناير 2017, 10:23 pm | |
HE | High Explosive | He | (Chem.) helium | HEAT | High Explosive, Anti-Tank | Heb. | Hebrew(s) | hectopascal (hPa) | Unit of pressure, Pa x 100. | HEI | high explosive incendiary | HEI-T | high explosive incendiary-tracer | hel | helicopter | HEL | High Energy Laser | HELBAT | Human Engineering Laboratory, Battalion Artillery Test | HELEX | High Energy Laser Experimental | HEM'17 | Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck | HEMAT | Heavy Expanded Mobility Ammunition Trailer | HEMP | High Altitude ElectroMagnetic Pulse | HEMTT | Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck | HEP | high-explosive plastic | her. | heraldry | HESH | high-explosive squash-head | HET | Heavy Equipment Transporter | HE-T | high explosive-tracer | hex. | hexagon, hexagonal | HF | High Frequency | Hf, | (Chem.) hafnium | hf. | half., high frequency | HFIC | HF Intra-task Force Communications | hg. | hectogram(s), hemoglobin | Hg. | mercury | hgt. | height | HGV | Heavy goods vehicle | HHC | Headquarters and Headquarters Company | hhd. | hogshead(s) | HHLR | hand-held laser rangefinder | H-Hour | Specific time at which operations commence | HHTI | hand-held thermal imager | HIDACZ | High Density Airspace Control Zone | HIPAR | high-power acquisition radar | hist. | historical, historian, history | HITP | High Ignition Temperature Propellant | HL | Mustard-Lewisite mixture | hl. | hectoliter | HLL | high-level language (used in computer systems, for instance Ada, FORTRAN, COBOL, C, and so forth.) | HLVW | Heavy logistic vehicle, wheeled | hm. | hectometer | HMD | Helicopter mine dispenser | HMG | Heavy Machine Gun | HML | hard mobile launcher | HMMHE | High mobility materiel handling equipment | HMMWV | (also "humvee") High Mobility Multi-Purpose Wheeled Vehicle | HMRT | Heavy material recovery team | HMT | High mobility trailer | HMTT | High mobility tactical truck | HN | Nitrogen mustard | HNS | Host-nation Support | HOCAC | Hands on cyclic and collective. | HOE | homing overlay experiment | HOJ | home-on-jam | hon. | honor-honorable, honorary | Hond. | Honduras | hor. | horizontal, horizon, horology | Horsepower (hp) | Power developed or applied | hort. | horticultural, horticulture | hosp. | hospital | HOT | High-subsonic Optically Teleguided | HOTAS | Hands on throttle and stick. | how | howitzer | hp | horse power | hp. | horsepower | HPA | high-power amplifier | HPI | high power illuminator | HQ | Headquarters |
ابراهيم الشنطي Admin
عدد المساهمات : 75802 تاريخ التسجيل : 28/01/2013 العمر : 78 الموقع : الاردن
| موضوع: رد: الاختصارات H الأحد 08 يناير 2017, 10:25 pm | |
HQ DA | Headquarters, Department of the Army | hr. | hour, hours | Hr. | (G. Herr) Mr | hrs. | hours | HRV | Heavy repair vehicle | HS | Home Service | HSI | Horizontal situation indicator | HT | high tension | ht. | height | HTH | High Test Calcium Hypochlorite | HTKP | hard target kill probability | HTPM | Hard Target Penetrator Munitions | HTT | Heavy tracked tractor | HUD | Head-up display | HUD | Heads-Up Display | HUMINT | human intelligence | HUMINT | Human Resources Intelligence | Hung. | Hungarian, Hungary | HVAA | High Value Airborne Assets | HVAR | High-velocity aircraft rocket. | HVG | hypervelocity gun | HVIT | High Volume Information Transfer (US) | HVM | hypervelocity missile | HVSS | Horizontal volute spring suspension | hvy. | heavy | HWM | High-water mark | HWT | heavy-weight torpedo | hwy. | highway | hy | heavy | hy. | henry | hyd. | hydraulics, hydrostatics | hydraul. | hydraulics | Hydrus | Secure ship-to-shore communications systems (US) | hyp.or hypoth. | hypothesis, hypothetical | Hz | Hertz |