منتدى الشنطي
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حيث دخل حيز التنفيذ اعتبارا من 12/9/2023
ارجو ان تكونوا قد استفدتم من بعض المعلومات المدرجة
منتدى الشنطي
سيغلق هذا المنتدى بسبب قانون الجرائم الاردني
حيث دخل حيز التنفيذ اعتبارا من 12/9/2023
ارجو ان تكونوا قد استفدتم من بعض المعلومات المدرجة

منتدى الشنطي

ابراهيم محمد نمر يوسف يحيى الاغا الشنطي
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 زواج أخوين توأم الشكل بأختين توأم الشكل، ماذا عن أطفالهم؟

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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ابراهيم الشنطي
ابراهيم الشنطي

عدد المساهمات : 69938
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/01/2013
العمر : 77
الموقع : الاردن

زواج أخوين توأم الشكل بأختين توأم الشكل، ماذا عن أطفالهم؟ Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: زواج أخوين توأم الشكل بأختين توأم الشكل، ماذا عن أطفالهم؟   زواج أخوين توأم الشكل بأختين توأم الشكل، ماذا عن أطفالهم؟ Emptyالأحد 22 سبتمبر 2019, 10:00 am

زواج أخوين توأم الشكل بأختين توأم الشكل، ماذا عن أطفالهم؟ %D8%AA%D9%88%D8%A3%D9%85


يعتبر زواج كل من التوأم بريتاني وبريانا دين بالتوأم المتطابق جوش وجيريمي ساليرز أول حالة للزواج بين أخوين توأم الشكل بأختين توأم الشكل أيضًا؛ وكان ذلك في شهر آب ضمن فعاليات مهرجان يوم التوأم العالمي المقام في مدينة أوهايو، ومنذ تلك اللحظة بدأت حالات زواج أخوين توأم بأختين توأم بالتكرار وتحديدًا إقامة حفلات الزفاف في آنٍ واحد، كما كانوا يحرصون على ارتداء ملابس الزفاف ذاتها، ومن أكثر ما يميز هذه الحفلات هو توثيق مراسم الحفل في TLC المتخصصة بزواج التوائم، ونظرًا لاعتبار مثل حالات الزواج هذه مميزة وغريبة إجمالًا، قد يتبادر إلى الذهن تساؤلات تتمثل بأن زواج أخوين توأم الشكل بأختين توأم الشكل، ماذا عن أطفالهم؟، هذا ما سنتعرف عليه في هذا المقال الشيّق.

زواج أخوين توأم الشكل بأختين توأم الشكل

زواج أخوين توأم الشكل بأختين توأم الشكل، ماذا عن أطفالهم؟ %D8%AA%D9%88%D8%A3%D9%85-300x191
أشارت أستاذة علم الوراثة في جامعة بنسلفانيا “لورا ألماسي” إلى أنه من الناحية النظرية غالبًا ما سيكون هناك تشابه وراثي كبير بين الأبناء في حال زواج توأم أخوين بأختين توأم، كما سيكون هناك قاسم مشترك أكبر بين الأبناء بشكلٍ كبير من حيث الجينات بنحو النصفِ فيما بينهم، بحيث يستحوذ كل وليدٍ لهما على نصف الحمض النووي من الأم والنصف الآخر من الأب، وقد تتضارب درجات التشابه فيما بينهم وقد تتطابق تمامًا، إذ تعتبر مسألة التشابه مسألة غير ثابتة نظرًا لاختلاف الحمض النووي بين الوالدين التوأمين المتطابقين أيضًا، حيث يعتبر مسألة تطابق الحمض النووي مستحيلًا بين أي شخصين، إلا أن هناك تشارك بنسبة كبيرة من الجينات ولكن ليس تمامًا.

اختلاف الجينات عند زواج توأم

بالرغم من حالات زواج توأم من الأخوان إلا أن هناك اختلاف في الجينات بينهم نظرًا للعوامل التالية:

  • طبيعة رحم الأم، حيث يساهم ذلك في إحداث تغييرات ملموسة بالجينات الوراثية والحمض النووي بشكلٍ كبير.

  • العوامل البيئية المحيطة، إذ من الوارد جدًا أن يكون لذلك تأثيرًا في الحمض النووي والجينات أيضًا حتى في حالات الزواج بين توأم أخوين ذكورًا وإناثًا.

  • التدخين.

أشارت مجلة People إلى أن الآونة الأخيرة قد شهدت حالات الزواج بين أخوين توأم الشكل بأختين توأم الشكل أيضًا بشكلٍ كبير، وقد جاء ذلك بعد أن كان نادر الحدوث في سابق العهد، ومن أبرز حالات الزواج في هذا الصدد هو حالة الزواج بين الأخوين التوأم كريسي وكاسر بيفير بالتوأم زاك ونيك لوين في الفترة القليلة الماضية، وغيرها الكثير أيضًا.

زواج أخوين توأم الشكل بأختين توأم الشكل، ماذا عن أطفالهم؟ Twins-marrying-460_779941c
زواج أخوين توأم الشكل بأختين توأم الشكل، ماذا عن أطفالهم؟ Tdy_identical_twins_130116.social_share_1024x768_scale

A SET of identical twin sisters who married identical twin brothers now plan to move in together and even have synchronised pregnancies.

When Josh and Jeremy Salyers, 35, met Brittany and Briana Deane, 33, they called it a “double fairytale”, and they now hope to raise their families together.

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Josh and Jeremy, 35, who married Brittany and Briana Deane, 33, say they want to raise their families togetherCredit: Social Media Refer to Source
The couples met when they all attended a festival for twins in Ohio in August 2017, and say it was pretty much love at first sight.

The loved-up duos claim they had an instant connection and now Briana has married Jeremy, while her sister Brittany married Josh.

They even got engaged at the same time and tied the knot together in matching outfits as part of the 2018 Twins Days Festival.

The newlyweds are now making a joint marital home in Virginia, and revealed on the TLC documentary Our Twinsane Wedding, airing tonight, they hope to fall pregnant at the same time too.

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The couples met when they all attended a festival for twins in Ohio in August 2017Credit: TLC
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Both sets of siblings said they always knew they'd marry twinsCredit: TLC
Briana’s husband Jeremy said on the show: “We want to have twins and we want them to be born on the same day. I know that’s four babies.

“We’ll be raising our families together as well, that’s something we are all on the same page too.”

Brittany points out on the programme, which documents their wedding preparations, that their future children will be closer than typical cousins, thanks to their unusual genes.

She explained: “Because genetically, if you think about it, it’s like mind blowing. Our children will be genetic siblings.

“So they’ll be cousins in theory, but they’ll be genetic siblings because we share DNA, and they have the same DNA.”

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The date of the proposal was also a nod to their identical connections - February 2 or 2-2Credit: Inside Edition
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The sisters are so close they often share a bed so they aren't apartCredit: TLC
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Josh and Jeremy got married at the same time in TwinsburgCredit: TLC
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The couples live together and are happy all under the same roofCredit: TLC
The blonde sisters are both attorneys at the same law firm, and say they couldn’t bear it if they fell pregnant at separate times, as they share everything together.

They got the same exam results throughout school and said they “felt loneliness for the first time” when they parted to go to separate law colleges.

Briana said: “If she [Brittany] was pregnant I would prefer being pregnant too. Being pregnant at different times would be difficult especially with the physical changes that happen.

“So if I was pregnant and Brittany wasn’t, I imagine I would look very different… That would be so hard.

“We’d be different weights, we would look different, our bodies would be experiencing different things."

Brittany joked: “So what, am I going to go out and gain 30lbs on purpose or wear a pregnancy cushioning?”

Briana laughed: “We won’t be taking that many pictures that year”, to which Brittany replied: “Hopefully we won’t have to go through that!”

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The twins' incredible story is featured on the TLC documentary Our Twinsane Wedding, airing tonightCredit: TLC
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In the show, the couples can be seen preparing the invites to their joint weddingCredit: TLC
Even their parents, who are in full support of the romances, said they have wondered what life will be like when two couples have kids.

Mum of Brittany and Briana, Debra Deane, said: “I like to think about their families and what their life might be like. If they end up with one child, do they have four parents?

“How will discipline work? Recognising mum versus aunt and dad vs uncle. It’ll be interesting that phase.”

Josh admitted that some people react negatively when they hear about how the couples hope to raise their kids together.

He said: “Everyone is ok with the whole twin relationship and twins marrying twins, but when we start discussing raising a family together and living together.”

Jeremy chipped in: “They think it is really out of the ordinary and weird that we’d want to do that”, to which Josh replied: “It’s our life and this is what we want to do.”

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Josh admitted that some people react negatively when they hear about how the couples hope to raise their kids togetherCredit: Social Media Refer to Source
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The blonde sisters are both attorneys at the same law firm and dress the sameCredit: TLC
The girls admitted that when they eventually have kids with Josh and Jeremy, that they will consider themselves a “mum” of the other sister’s children too.

Briana said: “That was something always in the back of our minds dating singleton men. There wasn’t that understanding of what happens when there’s children.

“I’m going to feel like I’m also the mother of Brittany’s children and she’ll feel like she’s also the mother of my children.”

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The close girls even got identical dresses for their weddingCredit: TLC
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The sisters have to always be touching and even 'hold feet' instead of handsCredit: TLC
Brittant and Briana are so close that they even often share a bed, wear matching clothes and like to always be touching.

Brittany explained: “Some people hold hands, we hold feet… It’s just something we do whenever we’re sitting next to each other.”

So it comes as no surprise that they had the same taste in men when they grew up.

Briana said: “When we were little we were always best friends…  We like making sure that we match as much as possible.

“Brittany and I are mirror image identical twins, which means that whatever one does on one side the other does or has on the other side.

“The good news is that we’ve finally found identical twin brothers who we’ve fallen in love with and we’re going to marry them.”

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The girls admitted that when they eventually have kids with Josh and Jeremy, that they will consider themselves a 'mum' of the other sister’s children tooCredit: TLC
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Brittany and Briana's parents said they are interested to see what happens when the girls have kidsCredit: TLC
When they tied the knot in a ceremony with the theme of Twice Upon a Time, the close sisters fittingly wore identical dresses while the brothers sported matching tuxedos.

Josh said the brothers had always thought that if they didn’t find twin women to marry they wouldn’t get married at all.

He said: “It’s just a bond and understanding that you couldn’t find anywhere else.”

Briana, who described the boys as the “twin princes”, said: “Everything had to line up. Neither of them can be married, neither of us can be married, the same age, everyone’s attracted.

“There’s a lot of elements that have to make the stars to align for it to work out.”

Brittany admitted that as they got into their 30s, they had started to wonder if their dream of marrying twins was unrealistic.

Josh agreed, and said: “We find really lucky that we found them. To find the woman of your dreams and she has a twin sister for my twin brother.”

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Josh said the brothers had always thought that if they didn’t find twin women to marry they wouldn’t get married at allCredit: TLC
Both boys said they thankfully gravitated towards a different twin, and they paired off in birth order, calling themselves the "A twin” or the “B twin”.

Josh admitted that they constantly asked if they switch partners romantically.

He said: “The question always comes up whether we’ve mixed them up or kissed the wrong one. No that has not happened.”

Brittany added: “Our response is that we think that is weird that that is what you would think.”

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The couple wore matching clothes to sign their marriage licensesCredit: Summit County Probate Court
Brittany said she can’t believe she and her sister got their fairytale ending and gushed about having such a close bond with her twin.

She said: “I love just about everything [about her]. I like Briana for completing me. I don’t know what I do without her.”

The feeling was mutual with Briana, who said:  “There’s an energy Brittany doesn’t have when she is by herself, and I don’t have when I’m not with her.”

Brittany said: “Being an identical twin is the closest thing to magic that anyone could possess I think. It’s like having a built-in support system. A soul mate.
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