| فيروس كورونا الجديد - او الفيروس التاجي | |
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ابراهيم الشنطي Admin
عدد المساهمات : 75783 تاريخ التسجيل : 28/01/2013 العمر : 78 الموقع : الاردن
| | | | ابراهيم الشنطي Admin
عدد المساهمات : 75783 تاريخ التسجيل : 28/01/2013 العمر : 78 الموقع : الاردن
| موضوع: رد: فيروس كورونا الجديد - او الفيروس التاجي السبت 19 أبريل 2014, 9:13 am | |
| مرادفات عربي : الفيروسة المُكللة ,فيروس الكورونا
ما هو فيروس كورونا
فيروس كورونا أو المعروف بالفيروسة المُكللة هو الفيروس الذي يتسبب بالعدوى التنفسية والمعدية المعوية للانسان والطيور وتتسبب بظهور أعراض تنفسية تتراوح حدتها بين البسيطة الى المتوسطة . يُصاب غالبية الأشخاص بالعدوى التنفسية وتشيع غالباً بين الأطفال الكبار كما تتكرر الاصابة به . تنتقل عدوى فيروس الكورونا المؤثرة في الانسان عن طريق القطيرات الهوائية المنبعثة من المُصاب بها عن طريق السعال والعُطاس أو الاتصال المباشر به باللمس أو المصافحة . تشيع الاصابة بالعدوى في فصلي الشتاء والخريف الا أنها قد تنتشر في فصول السنة الاخرى .
أعراض وعلامات فيروس كورونا
ترتبط الاصابة بعدوى فيروس الكورونا بأعراض تنفسية بسيطة الى متوسطة على النحو التالي : - ارتفاع درجة الحرارة . - سيلان الأنف . - السعال . - احتقان الحلق .
تشخيص فيروس كورونا
يعتمد تشخيص الاصابة بعدوى فيروس كورونا على الفحص المخبري الذي يكشف عن الفيروس بتقنيات مختلفة منها : - عزل الفيروس بالزراعة المخبرية . - الفحوات المصلية للكشف عن الأجسام المُضادة للفيروس . - فحص تفاعل سلسلة البوليميراز ( PCR ) للكشف عن الحمض النووي ( DNA ) للفيروس .
علاج فيروس كورونا
لا يتوافر أي علاج مُحدد لعدوى فيروس الكورونا حيث تتلاشى أعراضه بشكل تلقائي الا أن اتباع بعض الاجراءات يُخفف من حدة الأعراض كتناول مسكنات الألم والعقاقير الدوائية الخافضة للحرارة التي تصرف دون وصفة طبية .
التعايش مع فيروس كورونا
- استخدام الأجهزة المرطبة لهواء الغرفة أو الاستحمام بماء ساخن للتخفيف من حدة السعال واحتقان الحلق - أخذ قسط كاف من الراحة . - شرب كميات وفيرة من السوائل .
الوقاية من فيروس كورونا
لا يتوافر أي لُقاح مُضاد لفيروس كورونا الا أنه يُوصى باتباع الاجراءات الوقائية التالية : - غسل اليدين المتكرر بالماء والصابون . - تجنب لمس الأنف , الفم والعينين عند اتساخ اليدين . - تجنب الاتصال المباشر مع المُصابين بالعدوى أو مشاركتهم أدواتهم .
المصطلح بلغات أخرى
العربية فيروس كورونا Corona virus الانجليزية
| | | ابراهيم الشنطي Admin
عدد المساهمات : 75783 تاريخ التسجيل : 28/01/2013 العمر : 78 الموقع : الاردن
| موضوع: رد: فيروس كورونا الجديد - او الفيروس التاجي السبت 19 أبريل 2014, 9:14 am | |
| | Click on image to enlarge. Data are for lab-confirmed cases only, and from FluTrackers, Ministries of Health and the World Health Organisation Disease Outbreak News reports. | The Jeddah cluster | Jeddah | Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
It is the biggest of any of the clusters of MERS-CoV cases within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, MERS-central (0 to date. It has seeded at least 2 internationally exported cases (afatal case in Malaysia and now a case in Greece). It totals 53 cases so far; the tally for this cluster began after the onset of illness in the first case, 6-Apr.
The paramedic cluster | Abu Dhabi | United Arab Emirates
Happening simultaneously and right next door is a cluster of cases that began 28-Mar. It stands at 14 cases as I compose this; most recent with an onset of 14-Apr.
These dates, starting points and information are all up in the air of course.
There have been no solid answers from either site on how each cluster commenced, so we don't know the actual 1st case nor how they became infected, what their status is or what type of contact occurred (animal or human-to-human).
We don't know how many cases are linked together or even whether the 2 sites are linked. We don't know whether these focal outbreaks are ongoing nor just how so many healthcare workers (HCWs) can be infected by a respiratory virus that was already well known to the region and its hospitals (Wk 109, 2.1 years since first MERS cases).
We don't know if this outbreak is just bad infection prevention and control at some hospitals/among some people. We are all wondering how this has continued among HCWs as it seems to be? After a couple of confirmed cases wouldn't masks and gloves and gowns be standard fare - if they weren't already in the management of unknown acute respiratory disease cases? Whether a "super spreader" is involved or not, such measures should have prevented so many healthcare workers becoming infected shouldn't they?
Is this MERS-CoV Mk II - now with the ability to transmit efficiently and rapidly (before extra prevention measures are in place)? We have no MERS-CoV sequences to answer that. Spike gene sequences would at least help us understand he virus aspects? I don't really care about complete genomes-they are for phylogeny more so than public health; changes in Spike yielded information of value in the SARS-CoV event and for coronavirus in general, and could do so again. Just sequence that region guys! Do it quickly and release that info now. It's something informative. Don't wait for a scientific paper. Start a blog and put the results on there. Not just in Arabic and then in English some time later; with Yemen, the Philippines, Malaysia and Greece picking up cases in the past week, these 60+ cases are not just a Saudi thing (although the case numbers say otherwise-but you know what I mean), it's global village thing. Just tell us what's going on with the virus!
So many things we don't know. "So what?" you ask Go and Google "MERS SARS" and limit it to the past 24-hours. That's so what. The media are starting to heavily lean towards the "MERS is the next SARS" story again and that stirs up concern at many levels. Is that concern justified. At the moment who the heck knows??? If there is no change in Spike, while not the be-all and end-all for change in the virus, it will allow the experts to make comments that inform the media that may calm a rapidly progressing situation with economically damaging potential for the world, and the region.
For crying out loud Ministry of Health|Saudi Arabia, get ahead of this thing.
- The world's greatest resource for tracking MERS-CoV cases, the FluTrackers line list
Posted by Ian M Mackay
| | | ابراهيم الشنطي Admin
عدد المساهمات : 75783 تاريخ التسجيل : 28/01/2013 العمر : 78 الموقع : الاردن
| موضوع: رد: فيروس كورونا الجديد - او الفيروس التاجي السبت 19 أبريل 2014, 9:31 am | |
| Jordan1) #1 - Woman, 45, disease event date April 2012, hospital health care worker Death2) #2 - Man, 25, brother of case #1, disease event date April 2012 Death 3) #51 - Man, 45, travel history to Jordan, hospitalized in Italy in good condition4) #184 - Man, 48, onset date December 31, hospitalized January 9, died January 23 Death5) #239 - Man, 52, onset March 25, treated in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, hospitalized 2 April in stable condition. Jordan |
| | | ابراهيم الشنطي Admin
عدد المساهمات : 75783 تاريخ التسجيل : 28/01/2013 العمر : 78 الموقع : الاردن
| موضوع: رد: فيروس كورونا الجديد - او الفيروس التاجي السبت 19 أبريل 2014, 9:39 am | |
| There are 53 known cases in this outbreak - April 18, 2014:
Initial outbreak = 11: #211 - Male, 26, Jeddah, currently receiving treatment in intensive care - possibly health care workeraccording to media reports - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Please note: This case was reported by the MoH on March 28. Death note. #219 - Man, 70, from Jeddah, co-morbidities, died - Saudi Arabia [b]Death #216-218 - 3 unidentified and asymptomatic healthcare workers who tested positive announce April 6, 2014 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia #220 - Man, son of case number 219 who tested positive but is asymptomatic. - Saudi Arabia #222 - Male, 35, asymptomatic, citizen - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia #223 - Female, 32, health care worker, asymptomatic, citizen - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia #224 - Male, 33, asymptomatic, resident - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia #213 - Man - 26, from the province of Jeddah and works in the health care sector, currently receiving treatment in intensive care - Saudi Arabia Please note: This case was reported April 2. #221 - Male, 28, hospitalized in ICU, health "domain" worker, citizen - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia [b]3 Announced April 10, 2014: #230 - Patient, 70, citizen, hospitalized in ICU - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia #231 - Patient, 34, citizen, in stable condition - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia #232 - Patient, 29, citizen, in stable condition - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 4 Announced April 11, 2014 #239 - Man, 52, onset March 25, treated in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, hospitalized 2 April in stable condition. Jordan #240 - Patient, 45, resident, has died - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia [b]Death #241 - Patient, 28, resident, health care worker - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia #242 - Patient, 25, citizen, health care worker - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia [b]4 cases announced April 12, 2014 #243 - Patient, 26, citizen, health care worker, asymptomatic - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia #244 - Patient, 58, citizen, health care worker, stable condition - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia #245 - Patient, 71, citizen, stable condition - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia #246 - Patient, 39, resident, health care worker, asymptomatic - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia [b]5 cases announced April 14, 2014 #248 - Patient, 70, resident, died - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia [b]Death #249 - Patient, 51, citizen, hospitalized in ICU - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia #250 - Patient, 28, citizen, health care worker, asymptomatic - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia #251 - Patient, 45, resident, health care worker, asymptomatic - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia #252 - Patient, 56, resident, stable condition - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia [b]5 cases announced April 15, 2014 #257 - Patient, 30, resident, recovered - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia #258 - Patient, 59, citizen, died - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia [b]Death #259 - Patient, 64, citizen, health care worker, stable condition - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia #260 - Patient, 27, health care worker, asymptomatic, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia #261 - Patient, 27, health care worker, asymptomatic, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia [b]6 Announced April 16, 2014 #262 - Patient, 54, citizen, hospitalized in ICU - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia #263 - Patient, 52,citizen, died - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia [b]Death #264 - Patient, 41, resident, stable condition - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia #265 - Patient, 54, resident, stable condition - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia #266 - Patient, 28, citizen, health care worker, stable condition - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia #267 - Patient, 35, resident, health care worker, stable condition - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia [b]7 announced April 17 #271 - Patient, 72, died - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia [b]Death #272 - Patient, 70, hospitalized in ICU - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia #273 - Patient, 60, hospitalized in ICU - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia #274 - Patient, 54, health care worker, in stable condition - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia #275 - Patient, 63, in stable condition - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia #276 - Patient, 40, in stable condition - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia #277 - Patient, 31, in stable condition - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 1 Previously announced case added to this list April 17 #269 - Man, 54, underlying health conditions, travelled history to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia died on 13 April in Malaysia - Saudi Arabia Death [b]7 announced April 18 #288 - Patient, 53, resident, died - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia [b]Death #289 - Patient, 49, citizen, hospitalized in ICU - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia #290 - Patient, 60, citizen, health care worker, stable condition - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia #291 - Patient, 26, resident, health care worker, asymptomatic - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia #292 - Patient, 38, resident, contact with a confirmed case, symptomatic - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia #293 - Patient, 13, resident, asymptomatic - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia #294 - Man, 69, Greek citizen with Saudi residency from Jeddah, arrived in Greece and was hospitalized on April 17 - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia[/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b] |
| | | | فيروس كورونا الجديد - او الفيروس التاجي | |
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