منتدى الشنطي
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منتدى الشنطي
سيغلق هذا المنتدى بسبب قانون الجرائم الاردني
حيث دخل حيز التنفيذ اعتبارا من 12/9/2023
ارجو ان تكونوا قد استفدتم من بعض المعلومات المدرجة

منتدى الشنطي

ابراهيم محمد نمر يوسف يحيى الاغا الشنطي
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 Stunning Paintings by Duffy Sheridan

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
ابراهيم الشنطي
ابراهيم الشنطي

عدد المساهمات : 71209
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/01/2013
العمر : 77
الموقع : الاردن

Stunning Paintings by Duffy Sheridan Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Stunning Paintings by Duffy Sheridan   Stunning Paintings by Duffy Sheridan Emptyالإثنين 23 يونيو 2014 - 20:27

Duffy Sheridan has been painting since he was a child. His father, also an artist, encouraged him to learn to paint anything and everything. Although he and his family spent many years in relative seclusion in the far corners of the world, Sheridan's work has attracted the attention of collectors on five continents.

 Stunning Paintings by Duffy Sheridan Duffy-Sheridan%5B3%5D

Since returning to the United States in 1991, his work has received international acclaim and he has been designated a Living Master by the Art Renewal Center. His paintings can be found in prestigious institutions from a Cathedral in the South Pacific to the US Air Force Academy to corporate headquarters in Manhattan, as well as in the private residences of kings, judges, bishops, doctors and collectors all over the world.



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Stunning Paintings by Duffy Sheridan
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 مواضيع مماثلة
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منتدى الشنطي :: الحياة الاسريه والامومة والطفولة-
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